Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The one with something pointless but lame attempt to take up space

Another day and things still haven't been on the up.
Actually the morning was good, woke up earlier to buy Dark Knight tickets online. So now I'm looking forward to Friday. I was more of myself, with those witty one-liners. Felt a positive change in me.
However it all turned around after lunch. And these is one of those days where you just want to tell people "do I look like I give a damn". Also weather I'll be charge for homicide. It is also a good time to see if man can really fly (I work on the 23rd floor).
I myself had good exercise today. Lifts were messed up after lunch. In the end took the stairs to the 23rd floor.
In this time of madness and unpredictability, I'm glad I have one colleague who can back me up work wise. She understands what is required of our main tasks. Its not easy when everyone thinks there is an 'I' in teamwork. At least with two players running the ship, we get things done. If not, killing someone would be too easy.
Once I had a colleague from my Affin Discount days, where we just clicked. We knew what we had to do, we always had each others back. Now we are in different organizations (she's my client now), and we both miss the days where our job was fun.
Nowadays I wouldn't mind getting hit by a bus to get out of work.


A RAY OF HOPE said...

I thought timwork was spelled with an "I"..

mmmm said...

miss Affin Discount too...

mmmm said...
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