Thursday, May 8, 2008

The one with Speed Racer

Surprisingly I had time on my hands after work today. So I thought of checking out what was new at the cinema. This weeks new releases include What Happens in Vegas and Speed Racer. I opted for the latter so I wanted to see how the Wachowski brothers messed this one up. Yes, I believed they made a mess of one of the cartoons I watched as a kid after seeing the trailers. Hey, they did mess up Matrix 2 and 3.
First of all and surprisingly I enjoyed the movie. It was quite fun to watch. The movie itself was very colourful despite all the CGI animation. The racing action was mind-blowing (please ignore the laws of physics while watching). Despite the length (2 hours) the movie was enjoyable.
What do you know, another short post. Good night.

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