Sunday, May 6, 2007

The one with That Was The Year

Bet you're all wondering about the title. Well its the title of a play I went for last night, OK more of a musical. Saw the play at KLPAC in Sentul West. My first visit there as I'm more familiar with Actorolympics and Comedy Week hosted at The Actors Studio.
Went there with Hafizah, Jiji and Eke. One of the performers Malik Taufiq is a friend of theirs. Who use to be with AM Merchant (banker-turn-actor....hmmm). No, don't worry I don't think I would go down that path. In fact haven't played on stage since college. Last role I played was J.W.W. Birch for some Merdeka play. Ok, back to the play, well the story is as follows (taken from the KLPAC website):
  • That Was the Year is a provocative and mesmerising performance of musical theatre based on Beth Yahp's short story. That Was the Year is a love story set against the backdrop of a historical event, told from the perspective of a child who was born out of wedlock.
For me the was good. My favourite part is when the cast break into a song. Much of the serious dialogue lost me a bit. Probably needs getting use to as its the first serious play I seen. More use to the laugh-a-minute gigs or rock concerts. After the show ended up at Devi's Corner in Bangsar for drinks. But kept one eye on the TV to keep track on the football scores.
Next up for me is Broadway Parodies. Hopefully they can get tickets.

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