Friday, January 4, 2008

The one where I still have no creative title

Well actually this post is about two things. But putting both on the title would be too obvious. Have to start thinking of some new titles.
First of all, I was watching the Barrack Obama speech after he won in Iowa. Not sure what was going on but the focus of attention is his speech. Very powerful and well delivered. I'm not going into detail of his speech, but I want to highlight one line he used. He said 'its not about me, its about you'. Something I believe he picked up from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. His speech was not talking about himself, he was making the audience feel important. And he pulled it off sincerely, which a lot of people are not able to do.
Second part is a lot of my office mates noticed that I've gain a certain amount of mass and the fact I look larger than advertised. Not a good thing and for a guy who plays futsal a lot this shouldn't happen. But it is my own doing, I have been eating a lot these days. So guess now have to find way to rectify it. Now that can be my 2008 resolution, to lose weight.
Now to start a workout regime.

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